Tuesday, September 05, 2006

All Grown Up, (or so he Thinks)

Today is Caleb's first day of Preschool. He is going to the preschool that Brett went to when he was little. It is a private preschool at the local Christian Church in town. He will be there 3 days a week for 3 hours a day. He is sooooo excited.

This weekend we had to get ready. He got a new pack of crayons, Scooby Doo paper towels, Superman pencils, and the Batman backpack. Then we had to get a new outfit to wear. This is a challenge. My 3 year old is wearing the same size clothes that my 10 year old is wearing, only he is about 9 inches shorter. Caleb wears a 1.5 in shoes, and an 8 in pants and shirts. As it gets colder very quick, I am realizing that I need to have him some pants tailored to fit.

Daddy took the day off so that we could take him together. It will be a sight to see who cries first. On the one hand I am excited that he will be learning new things, but on the other hand, he is one step further out the door.

I look at Brett now, and realize how much he has grown. He is talking about having a Christian Rock band in middle school, and his childhood questions are becoming much more grown up. We were talking about temptation yesterday, and he said that he knew that it was gonna get harder as a teenager because Satan would use drugs and sex and peep pressure to make him sin. He then wondered how he would ever keep from making mistakes. I reminded him about grace. However, isn't it wonderful to have that humble desire to want to try to be perfect and to be so convicted when we do wrong that it really bothers us? Maybe some of us adults could use a childlike faith.

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