Saturday, September 09, 2006

For My Broken Heart

My Mom has had a rough year. She had knee surgery and as a result ended up with a partially paralyzed diaphragm. If your diaphragm doesn't work, your lungs can't expand, and you can't breathe. She walks with a limp, she now has fibromyalgia and hurts all the time. She can't sleep, and depends on help for basic things that we take for granted. They have their house up for sale and the savings account is fading fast while they wait for a decision on their disability claim.

I recently wrote my statement for the disability office and, as I was answering the questions, I was overcome with great saddness for just how her life has changed and how depressed she must be. You have a woman who worked 2-3 jobs all her life and taught me not to depend on anyone for support, who now can't even put her shoes on without the help of her husband.
By the way, THANK GOD FOR HIM!!! I realized that I have not been as sensitive to her situation as I probably should be and I need to be praying for her, that God will strenghthen her faith and wrap his loving arms around her. I have been praying for the disability case to go through, but I realize now, that she needs way more than financial assistance.

I just got off the phone with her, and Lindon is going on a bike ride today. Mom would love to be with him I know. Maybe we will get a movie and some popcorn and go visit her.

Keep her in your prayers please.

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