Saturday, October 06, 2007

Chaos, and More Chaos

Ok, what I want to know is... Who sent the memo out that says, "Deena is pregnant, let's cause as much chaos as possible?" This past month or two has been crazy. First we had the Down's scare and all the extra Dr. visits and stress that goes with that, then this month, has not been lacking in it's own share of stresses. The first part of September, I had kidney stone problems, got admitted to the hospital for a couple days, out only in time to go to "Deeper Still". Then I get home and go back to work, and get food poisoning, which lays me up for 3 days. I lose weight, get dehydrated, and the day I get to go back to work, I have to be sent to the ER for severe dehydration and a massive urinary tract infection. Then mom decides she is missing out on some of the attention, and she ends up in the hospital for 4 days for almost passing out a few times, and they find she is going in and out of an irregular rhythm. She is home, all is great, then I get a double ear infection. Got treated quick, got over it, and now.....Caleb hasn't pooped in 9 days. We started giving him laxatives 5 days ago, and nothing is working. So days later, enemas, suppositories, laxatives, an ER visit, Dr visit, and half a day at Children's hospital...still no poo. He now gets 3-4 doses of Miralax a day till he goes, and if he doesn't go soon, they will have to do a Sigmoidoscopy and clean him out. I have never wanted to wipe a butt, so bad in my life. I am so worried about him.

I am trying to pick up extra, so we can have some money in savings for when the baby gets here, because I won't have much money coming in those 3 months. It seems like every time I try to pick up, I get sick or something happens. We have only a few dollars in savings and time is running out. I am 24 weeks pregnant now, and about $2000 behind budget. Pray that the chaos calms done, because now I need to work 4-5 days a week till Thanksgiving to make up.

But, most of all....pray that Caleb will poop!!!!!