Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Truth or Dare?

The newest self-help, 'try to be a better person', book that I have started reading is The Love Dare by Stephen and Alex Kendrick. It is the book that the character played by Kirk Cameron, in the movie Fireproof, gets from his father. Our new church is showing the movie this weekend, and I am really excited to see it with John. In the back of my mind, I have been thinking, "I can't wait till he sees it". The movie trailor talks about having romance, which is something that girls need a lot of because we want to live the fairytale. So I think, where can I get this book for him? I go pick it up, and start reading a little to see what the book is gonna tell him to work on, and guess what I find....

Dare #1 is be patient. Definately not my strong point. You are supposed to be quiet and say only nice things, even if something happens to make you want to snap or say something out of anger. Dare #2 is be kind. You are supposed to do an act of kindness for no good reason except to be nice, even if you don't feel like it. God is soooo funny!!! Those 2 dares are definately for me. So I decided to keep the book myself and work on me instead of worrying about John, and we will see how things turn out. Maybe John can get his own copy later. In all the recent turmoil and stress, it is easy to point the finger, instead of looking honestly into yourself to see what you can do to make things better. Broken hearts, pride, and anger are many times the obstacles that we let stand in our way. However, God calls us to love one another unconditionally, even when we don't feel like it very much.

"Now these 3 remain: Faith, Hope, and Love. But the greatest of these is Love."

I Corinthians 13:13

1 comment:

Jen said...

I bought Fireproof for Chris for his birthday last week. We still haven't watched it, but I'm looking forward to it!