Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy Stinkin' New Year

So far the new year is got no where to go but up. Still trying to sell the house, and have recently been called off more than I have gotten to work. I know the Lord will take care of us, no matter what, but I get tired of worrying about finances sometimes. Just pray for our family, that we can cling to each other and support each other through these hard times.

On a lighter note though, I did get the new Chris Tomlin CD with my free music points from BMG. The songs, "You Lifted Me Out" and "God of this City" which talks about God lifting us up out of our circumstances and about greater things that are yet to come, are awesome reminders that God is always there with us. Hearing Caleb blast them out in the back seat while I was driving down the road, was the sweetest thing I've heard. Hearing your kids praise God, always makes it a brighter day.

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