Monday, November 10, 2008

The Prayers of Children

Just had a praise that I wanted to share. This week Brett had overheard me talking about the election, and the worries I have about what the world is coming to, and it made him worry about Jesus coming back. He had the normal questions about if he was going to heaven, and if Caleb and Paden would be there too. Inevitably that led to questions about his Dad and if he would go to heaven or hell. I told Brett that his Dad had been taught the truth, but that he choses to live without Christ right now, but we could continue to pray that God would soften his heart and bring him back to the Lord.

Brett prayed really hard last week, and I prayed with him. However, I have to admit that I really didn't have any faith that Jim would ever come back to church, because he has a lot of issues from his past that have hardened his heart. On Friday, when Jim came to pick Brett up for the weekend, he told us how he had worried about going to hell all week and that he knew he needed to get his life right. He said that the Lord convicted him all week. Brett just smiled and you could tell that he was so happy that God had heard his prayers. Jim took Brett to church on Sunday morning to the Vineyard church, and they had to write their sins on a piece of paper. Jim said it really hit home with him, and he was going to get involved in a small group and go every Sunday. Amazing!!

God does answer prayers...and he especially listens to the prayers of children, I believe. I had to repent and pray for forgiveness for not having faith that God can do all things, that he loves all his children, and he can soften the heart of the most unlikely soul. So don't avoid witnessing or praying for someone that you think is too tough or too far gone, our God can do all things.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Praise GOD!
God is active and living... no doubt about it!