Sunday, May 11, 2008

I'm Back, sorry it took so long.

It's been a while, but I am back to blogging again, and I'll try to be more regular. I have had several recent life changes that have kept me away, such as a new baby, major surgery, John's new job which requires us to relocate, selling a house, finding a house, selling a vehicle, just to name a few. Paden Michael is the newest baby boy, he will be 4 months old the 14th, can you believe it? I will have pictures up soon, we just had them taken and they will be back on the 21st. Sorry, my Kodak camera is still not downloading to the computer for some reason.

We are moving to Springboro, Ohio the first of June because of John's new job. Hopefully someone will buy our home in Flemingsburg before his company stops helping us pay for the two houses. They help for 6 months, so that will be through November. And be praying that someone will buy one of our vehicles soon so we can get rid of one of our payments too. I am excited but scared to death at the same time. Moving to a new home with 3 bathrooms and a dishwasher is a dream with 3 boys. Moving away from family is a nightmare. Also, John and I are not too excited about becoming Buckeye's. We wonder, will we instantly become horrible drivers when we put those Ohio plates on our car?

I sing on praise team for the last time at New Life in the morning. I hope I can do it without crying. I will truly miss my praise team friends who really understand what singing praises is all about. "Listen to our hearts, hear our voices sing...We will use the words we know, to tell you what an awesome God you are. but if words are not enough...then listen to our hearts." I hope our new church will have a praise team. Pray the Lord will lead us to where we can grow in Him.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I pray your transition is going well. It's not an easy road, but God is good!! He will provide... I know this!